Found a Crack In Your Top Roof Glass? Here’s What You Should Do
Tesla Y/3 model owners who have found cracks in the car’s roof glass with no discernable point of impact are likely to be covered under warranty.
Dulcinea D took to the Facebook group Tesla Model 3 & Y Australia to share a picture of their cracked roof glass on the passenger side, asking if any other Tesla owner had experienced the same issue.
Many commenters affirmed the same thing had happened to their Y/3 vehicle and with no clear point of impact, the damage was fixed under warranty.
Model 3 Long Range and Performance as well as Model Y Long Range and Performance all come with an 8 year warranty or 120,000 miles (193,121km), whichever comes first.
To be covered under warranty for cracked glass, you also need to ensure you have done no modifications (like an after market tint, for example).
Another Tesla owner commented on the thread that they needed to have their roof glass replaced and the cost was $1,800. It is unclear whether the replacement was needed due to a fault with the glass in the vehicle or from a point of impact.
Based on several Y/3 Model forums, there appears to be a defect with these two model’s glass, with a number of people reporting cracking without and with aftermarket tint.